Private Servers
Looking for the best RSPS? RuneLocus has been the go-to platform for private server fans for over 15 years. As a community-driven site, our comprehensive list has helped thousands of server owners connect with hundreds of thousands of players to discover the top servers each month. You can easily filter the RSPS list to suit your preferences, such as finding the newest servers. Our "New RSPS" list is perfect for fans looking to explore recently launched games. Don’t miss out – join the RuneLocus community today and find your next favorite server.
Reason OSRS ::winter
An OSRS Server made by OSRS players FOR OSRS players. All our content has a Reason and it's to provide the most fun experience for our players. Enjoy unique Perks, DT2, ToA, and frequent updates with active Owners
Reason OSRS ::winter
An OSRS Server made by OSRS players FOR OSRS players. All our content has a Reason and it's to provide the most fun experience for our players. Enjoy Perks, DT2, ToA, and frequent updates with active Owners
Alora ⭐ WIN $1,500+
LEAGUES 5.0 - March 21st - IRL Cash Prizes📱Mobile: Play on iPhone (iOS) or ▶Android WITH RuneLite Plugins! 🥇 Desert Treasure II 🗺 Varlamore ⚡All Raids: 100% Tombs of Amascut, Theatre of Blood and Chambers of Xeric. 💰 Gambling
August 💀🗡️ Leagues
Leagues on steroids 💀 Slayer Locked New Game Mode 💀 79 New Perks Added
Frozen Frontier Season ❄️ Seasonal Ranks 👑 Castle Defense 🏰 Forging ⚔️ Perks System ➕
⭐️ RoatPkz 🎄EVENT!
Summer Event - BlackJack - Real Players - Daily OSRS GP Tournaments - DT2 Items - New BH Items - Skilling - 1000+ Achievements - Raids 3 Items - Custom Wilderness Events - Gambling - Clan Cups - Custom PvP Kits
🟣Vulcan Leagues 5🟣
🟣Leagues 5 Raging Echoes (no area limits) 4 (🟠Trailblazer Reloaded) 3 (🟢Shattered Relics) | 🔱Full Fortis Colosseum | Moons of Peril | Araxxor | GIM | All 3 Raids +all with Invocs | DT2 Boss +Awakened | Torm Demons | 530 Cmbt Achieves
Ataraxia 936
Necromancy | Rasial & Hermod | Sanctum of Rebirth | 110 Mining and Smithing | Zamorak, Lord of Chaos | Kerapac | TzKal-Zuk | Croesus | Arch-Glacor | Rex Matriarchs | Solak | Android & iOS | Archaeology
💀 SpawnPK 💀
ELKOY RSPS - Large Playerbase 🤩 Weekly Updates! 🤩 All 100% Raids, CoX, ToB, ToA! 🤩 Fortis Colosseum 🤩 Active Gamble 🤩 Clan Guilds 🤩 Player Killer Mode 🤩 Weekly Clan Battles 🤩 Runelite Client 🤩
PkWild OSRS ::spring
New Economy ~ Gambling ~ Flower Poker ~ Bosses ~ Raids ~ Active Wilderness ~ OSRS PvP
⭐️Redemption +MOBILE
🎁 ::ref runelocus OP $100 starter box - 10 years of Custom Content Updates - 10,000+ pages of wiki
⭐ FREE WINTER BUNDLE SET ⭐ | 1:1 Tombs of Amascut | 6 Years Online | Massacre 10x10 AoE | ToB & CoX | Nightmare | Custom AoE Staffs | Custom Bosses | Elite Slayer 3 | 10 Daily Events | Custom Pets!
Fantasy - #1 Custom
The Fastest Growing Custom FANTASY RSPS with 500 players online and bi-weekly updates. Join today for 1,000 free mystery boxes and ::freedonator!
💥 BoomScape📱MOBILE
Experience an OSRS RSPS like never before with Mobile & RuneLite! Take on Nex, Nightmare, and all OSRS bosses, including COX & TOB. Enjoy HD Graphics, Group Ironman, Custom Presets, Achievement Diaries, Gambling, all the latest bosses, and much more!
Play on Runelite & Mobile | Tombs of Amascut | All DT2 bosses | Nex | Muspah |Voidwaker | The Gauntlet | Custom presets | Achievement Diary tasks | Chambers Of Xeric & TOB & TOA | Group Ironman | Latest bosses | Collection Log |
Grinderscape Since 2008 - Economy | 29 Quests | Realism | Nex Update | 9 Game Modes including SPAWN and ::PURE | Merodach Boss | Aquais Neige | Torva/Pernix/Virtus | Extremely OCD Detailed Content | Oldschool Bossing Experience | OSRS Content | Gambl
EXORA #1 Semi-Custom
::REF RUNELOCUS - RAID INVOCATIONS - We all know you're getting tired of playing the same custom server with a different name. We have no spongebobs holding ak47s. Join an actual good custom server with unique content.
Velheim - FSW 29 Nov
FRESH START WORLD 29 NOVEMBER! Animal Farms (PoF) | Music & Sound | All Elite Dungeons | Archaeology, Invention, Divination skills | Raids | Elder Godwars | Legacy Combat | Nex: AoD | Araxxor | Solak | Ironman modes | Mining & Smithing rework
BlissScape 2012
7+ Years Online - Multiple Game-Modes - Boss and Skill pets - Real Dominion Tower - Real Dungeoneering - Real Construction - Real Slayer - Unique Prestige System - Variety of Skilling Content
Artemis - 💎*NEW*💎
🚀 New RSPS Drops January 4th! ⚔️ Battle Bosses, 🏆 Master Raids, And 💎 Unlock Custom Items! 🎉 Start Your Adventure With ::Freedonator For Epic Rewards! 💥
GIM | RuneLite | Tombs of Amascut | 2/4 DT2 Bosses | Muspah | Voidwaker | Nex | The Gauntlet | Theatre of Blood | Weekly Updates | Zalcano | Custom presets | Achievement Diary tasks & benefits | Chambers Of Xeric | Group Ironman | Latest bosses |
What is a RSPS?
An RSPS is a fan-made game server based on the mechanics of the original game. Unlike official servers, private servers are created and managed by dedicated gaming enthusiasts. Many players enjoy RSPS because it often allows for faster progression and more customized gameplay experiences compared to the official game.
Are all RSPS' votes legit?
Yes! For many years, our RSPS list has being considered the most legitimate RSPS toplist. We're actively monitoring the votes, and our advanced voting system is capable of detecting all common cheating methods. Illegitimate votes are automatically removed within minutes.
When are the vote counters reset?
The vote counters are reset every first of the month (00:00 UTC). We're doing this to give all servers a fair chance. After the vote counter reset, you are still able to see a server's historical vote data.
Why is my RSPS not showing?
Any RSPS that has not received a vote in the last 4 days will be automatically deactivated. You can reactivate it by making a vote for the RSPS (however, it may take up to 5 minutes for the RSPS to reappear).
Are the vote counters updated instantly?
No, the vote counters on the RSPS list are updated every 15 minutes.
What is a Server of the Week?
The Server of the Week (SOTW) is an award that is given to a random RSPS every week. For more information and requirements about the SOTW, click here.