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At RuneLocus, we aim to provide a fair and transparent platform for RuneScape Private Servers (RSPS) to be listed and discovered by the community. However, we occasionally receive reports from users regarding personal conflicts or issues with specific servers. It’s important to understand that our role is not to police RSPS or mediate disputes between players and servers. This FAQ explains our stance on these matters and provides guidance on what can and cannot be reported to RuneLocus.

Can I report a RSPS due to a personal conflict?

No, RuneLocus does not intervene in personal disputes or conflicts between players and RSPS. We are not responsible for managing individual server policies or conflicts within those servers. Our role is to provide a platform for listing RSPS, but we do not govern their internal actions or rules.

Why won't you take action against a server I have a conflict with?

We cannot investigate personal disputes, such as bans or conflicts between players and server staff. There’s two main reasons:

  1. It would be impractical, because we’d need full access to a RSPS’ game and chat logs in order to verify what exactly has happened (after all, every party has its own side of the story). We do not have such access.
  2. Each RSPS operates independently and sets its own rules (hence the word ‘private’ in ‘RSPS’). Who are we to decide what someone else does or does not do in their own RSPS, as long as it doesn’t harm RuneLocus? We would be going against the concept of RSPS if we were to position ourselves as a supreme judge or RSPS police.

What should I do if I have a conflict with a server?

We recommend addressing your concerns directly with the server’s staff or following any dispute resolution processes they have in place.

Can I report a server for cheating on the RSPS list?

Yes, you can report a server for vote cheating, but only if you can provide legitimate evidence. Please note that we have advanced security in place, and fake votes are typically already removed by our system. If any fake votes do slip through, we will ensure they don’t in the future.

You should know that our goal is not to remove or ban a game from the list. If your report is solely aimed at getting a game removed, it’s best to reconsider submitting a report.

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About RuneLocus

For 15 years, RuneLocus has been the leading platform for RuneScape private servers. The RSPS list has been used by thousands of servers, and hundreds of thousands of players.