August 💀🗡️ Leagues

About August 💀🗡️ Leagues

Leagues on steroids 💀 Slayer Locked New Game Mode 💀 Talent tree + perks


Join August – A Fresh and Unique RS Private Server Experience!

Dive into our lively Discord community with over 7500 members and growing!

Sign up now!

Tired of the same old, copy-paste private servers? Experience something truly unique with August! Launching on July 26th, we’re fresh, new, and dedicated to bringing you a distinct RS experience that you won’t find anywhere else.

At August, we pride ourselves on our originality. Our game is not a mere repetition of what you’ve seen before but a breath of fresh air in the RSPS community. And your voice matters to us. Our staff and the server’s owner are always active, open to feedback, and ready to implement improvements that enhance your gameplay. Our owner doesn’t just run the game; he plays alongside you, understanding the challenges you face because he faces them too.

Key Features:

  • Talents system: unlock talents by playing the game, which drastically change your gameplay. Pick and choose talents to make your own unique builds!
  • Partying system: be rewarded for playing with others. Party up to do group bossing in instances, and gain more XP when you’re close together.
  • Global Bosses: Tackle massive threats such as Sol Heredit, Vetion, Vorkath, and Cerberus that require community cooperation and reap fantastic rewards!
  • Notable Areas: From Barrows to God Wars, Fight Caves, and our unique Olympian Raids, there’s always an adventure waiting for you.
  • Game Modes: Choose from PvMer or Skiller, or embrace the challenge of the Masochist mode, our hardest and most rewarding gameplay experience.
  • Prestige Perks: Supercharge your Talent Point acquisition goals by prestiging and gaining MASSIVE amounts of Talent Tree XP for doing it.
  • Special Events: Engage in thrilling community events that keep the game exciting and dynamic.

We might be the new kid on the block, but we’re growing fast! Step into a fresh, brand new economy where you can make your mark.

Join us today and be part of the rapidly growing August community!


  • Type: Custom
  • Tags: Gambling, Ironman Modes, PvM, and RuneLite
  • Votes: 10.835 (current month)
  • All-time votes 220.946
  • Added: 712 day(s) ago
  • Server ID: 47236
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