DarkScape is above all like an emulation. We strive to make it feel like the real deal. From picking flax to filling up jugs with water to make into jugs of wine. DarkScape is a massive world based off of the year 2006 of RS.This is not your ordinary scape alike. This is World PvP style. Now where’s the fun if it’s not an open world PvP, some towns are Safe Areas. Once you leave the safe zone there’s no telling who’s out there waiting to strike. Imagine logging into RS one day, and only seeing PvP worlds. That is what DarkScape has to offer.
-World PvP (similar to dmm)
-Experience rates: x5
-Unique Party System with XP share
-Custom Runelite client
-RS like emulation
-Grand Exchange
-Custom Raids
-Blood Money System
-Flawless combat (hugging/switching/1tick/following)
- Type: PvP
- Tags: PvM, PvP, and RuneLite
- Votes: 17 (current month)
- All-time votes 31
- Added: 1 day(s) ago
- Server ID: 47822