
DispersityRsps is a pre-eoc server loading some, not all, osrs content. This server has dedicated special areas and drops for skillers, pvmers, and all alike. We are not a spawnpk/pvp server. Pvp is welcome, but its not dedicated. If you enjoy pvm content, pet drops, custom pets/items, skilling, gambling, or just want a nice place to chill, Dispersity is for you. This server is not complete, it’s heavily under construction but you can play now! Join the discord for more updates and photos/videos.


DISPERSITY RSPS screenshot 1
DISPERSITY RSPS screenshot 2
DISPERSITY RSPS screenshot 3
DISPERSITY RSPS screenshot 4
DISPERSITY RSPS screenshot 5
DISPERSITY RSPS screenshot 6


  • Type: Economy
  • Tags: Gambling, Ironman Modes, Pre-EOC, and PvM
  • Votes: 11 (current month)
  • All-time votes 228
  • Added: 61 day(s) ago
  • Server ID: 47590
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