
About Exilium

Custom: Bosses, Gear Tiers, Maps, Upgrades, Etc - BETA


Join our Pre2023 BETA Today, and get a taste of what we’re talking about!

In the world of Exilium, we will provide:
-An entirely new combat experience to RSPS, favoring the AFK factors in everything.
-Skill mats STACK! Our aim is to create a mostly full AFK environment, as well as an interactive.
-Many unseen combat upgrades/perks! Completely new armour tier system and upgrades
-Cannons with multiple Loader upgrades to boost cannon capacity and raise AFK time
-MANY Updates soon to come! Active hosting;Constant updates until deadline January 23 2023.


  • Type: Custom
  • Tags: Gambling, Pre-EOC, and PvM
  • Votes: 0 (current month)
  • Added: 524 day(s) ago
  • Server ID: 47122
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