💎 RuneRealm OSRS 💎

About 💎 RuneRealm OSRS 💎

5+ Years of CONTENT - OSRS Semi-Custom with Nex, Nightmare, All Raids & Much more! 60+ Bosses & 100+ Pets


RuneRealm has a vast variety of additions to OSRS, many custom skilling pets and outfits, for each skill at least one, providing experience boosts in their respective skills!

Over 60+ bosses with their own Collection logs and unique rewards!

More than 100+ Pets from skilling to pvm and even pvp. With a unique storage system you can easily track your progression in unlocking every single one of them, while not taking up any of your bank space!

Our own custom client with similair plugins to the infamous RuneLite, but without allowing player made plugins to prevent cheating.

We have full GPU support, HD, Menu swappers, NPC markers, Tile markers, Exp trackers and calculators, even a Custom Highscores lookup tool!

Our 35+ existing plugins will have what you need, and if not a simple feature request will get it implemented.

4+ Years of Development means this is the most CONTENT PACKED server out there!


  • Type: Economy
  • Tags: Gambling, Ironman Modes, PvM, and RuneLite
  • Votes: 103 (current month)
  • All-time votes 20.355
  • Added: 1221 day(s) ago
  • Server ID: 45587
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