Rusty Runes

About Rusty Runes

RustyRunes is an upcoming RSPS that is striving to be the best! We do daily GP giveaways along with a big monthly tournament!


We have a lot of custom addons like weapons and enemies! When connecting to the server it may take a second or two to check for updates. If a popup comes up telling you to update just go to the site and press “Play Now!”. If you encounter any bugs or anything please contact me and I will send it off to the devs to have it fixed.


Rusty Runes RSPS screenshot 1
Rusty Runes RSPS screenshot 2
Rusty Runes RSPS screenshot 3
Rusty Runes RSPS screenshot 4


  • Type: Custom
  • Tags: Gambling, Ironman Modes, Pre-EOC, and PvM
  • Votes: 0 (current month)
  • Added: 682 day(s) ago
  • Server ID: 47014
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